Below are some frequently asked questions. We hope these provide some answers to any questions about the program that you may have: 

  • How much does the program cost? 

    • The program is $300/mo. (plus uniform costs & travel expenses to tournaments)

  • What is included in the program?

    • The program consists of the following:

      • 3 on field practices a week

      • 6 tournaments for ages 9U to 12U

      • 8 tournaments for 13U

  • How will teams be selected? 

    • We will be holding a tryout on Saturday, June 17th to determine which players play on each team. 

    • Makeup Tryouts will be on Sunday, July 2nd.

  • What happens if my son can't make it to the tryout on the 17th

    • If you can't make it to the tryout on the 17th please reach out to Kevin directly (kevin@wavesbaseball.org) so we can send you the information regarding the makeup tryout date. 

  • Who will be coaching the teams?

    • These teams will be coached by parent volunteers who have undergone a Santa Cruz Waves coaches training. They will be responsible for adhering to the Santa Cruz Waves Coaches Handbook in regards to safety concerns (pitch counts, etc.), code of conduct, and playing time. Our goal is to take the best things about parent coaches and use them to our players advantage while also putting a structure in place that eliminates all the things you dislike when you think of “daddy ball”. Having parent coaches also gives our teams an opportunity to have a deeper roster of coaching talent on one team. We are lucky to have so many parents in this county with a deep love of baseball and so many that have played at a high level.

  • How do you determine who the coaches will be? 

    • We have preselected some coaches at each age group to help with the tryout process. However, we are open to taking on more coaches and would love as much help as we can get. We’ve provided a section in the tryout registration page for those that want to coach to sign up. 

  • Who will be responsible for selecting players for each team? Will it be a collaborative effort? 

    • For the teams that already have a coaching staff, it will be a collaborative effort among those coaches and members of the board. 

  • How many teams will you have per age group? 

    • We will have as many teams as players, coaches, and fields will allow.

  • What kids are we considering for the program? 

    • Any player age 9 to 13 that is interested in playing travel ball. 

  • What are the times and days of the week for practice? 

    • It depends on what region your player is in, however, you can plan to practice three times a week. Each practice will be 2 hours long. All practice days and times will be solidified once the rosters are finalized. 

  • When do tournaments begin? 

    • Tournaments begin in August. Below is the tournament schedule for the season:

      • August 12th and 13th

      • August 19th and 20th

      • August 26th and 27th

      • September 3rd to 5th

      • September 16th and 17th

      • September 30th and October 1st (end of 9-12U season)

      • October 14th and 15th (13U)

      • October 28th and 29th (13U)

  • Will you be forming teams by age or grade?

    • We feel strongly that in order to keep the program competitive, it’s important that we’re playing age pure at the younger levels (9U to 12U). Once the players enter 7th grade however, our priority shifts to developing each player so they are prepared to play varsity baseball by their freshman or sophomore year. For that reason we will move those players to grade level or grad year. 

  • What additional costs will there be? 

    • You will be responsible for purchasing your uniforms. We have a Wilson Team Store set up to make that process as painless as possible. The cost for those uniforms is approximately $45.00 each (you’ll need to purchase two) but you’ll also have the capability of purchasing pants, belts, socks, etc. in the team store.